Now That You’ve Arrived
Links are added as the tips are published.
Below are some articles about what to do while “you’re there” that I hope help you. Use the form at the bottom of the page if you have a question about these activities or travel in general that you’d like me to answer.
901: Customs and Cultures in Other Countries
902: Taking Pictures
903: People in other countries are human, too.
904: Getting Around in a City
905: Bargaining Tips and Etiquette
906: Local Foods
907: Take pre-printed address labels
908: Using Local Currency
909: Currency and coins
910: Take a small [pocket-sized] dictionary
911: Want to treat yourself/other to “something special”?
912: Tipping: know the local custom
913: Interacting with street vendors
914: Driving in other countries
915: Extra expenses you might encounter
916: Speaking the local language
917: Take a hotel business card when you arrive
918: Keep an old hotel key (electronic) card