In a recent tip (, you learned about the necessity of making sure that the power supplies for your electronic equipment are dual-voltage capable. You don’t want to end up like I did in Australia with a pair of burned-out speakers because its power supply was single (110V only) voltage. What a bad smell, but…
TRAVEL TIP #201: Check Devices for Dual-Voltage Capability
One of the biggest mistakes novice international travelers make is to not have the proper plug adapters with them when they travel. So many of us are used to the standard 2-pin, or perhaps 3-pin, plug for the US that we can also use when we go to Mexico or to Canada. Ah, but those…
TRAVEL TIP #410: Nested Luggage for Long Stays
Most of the times that I talk about packing for travel, my mantra is typically, “Travel light.” By that, I mean you can probably take everything you need in a backpack and a suitcase that qualifies as a “carry-on” when you’re flying. Those who know me have heard me say that I can take everything…
TRAVEL TIP #704: Carry Essential Oils With You
One of the [many] items hooked on to my backpack is an 8-bottle pack of doTERRA essential oils. I’ve carried one on my backpack for over a dozen years as I’ve visited dozens and dozens of countries. And not once have I ever been questioned about them by any airport security personnel. Each bottle is…
TRAVEL TIP #715: Use Small Collapsible Pouches Instead
Unless you are going to be traveling for months at a time, you probably don’t need to take full-size bottles of shampoo and conditioner with you. And even if you were going on that two-month long cruise, why take rigid plastic containers that stay the same size? The same goes for liquid soap for hand…