TRAVEL TIP: Take a Pocket-Sized Dictionary Carry a “pocket-sized” dictionary with you if you are going to be spending more than a few days in a non-English speaking country. These dictionaries don’t actually fit in a pocket; it just means that they aren’t a full-sized book. And they don’t take up much space in your…
Tip: Know the Fare When Booking a Ride
As smart a traveler as I sometimes think I am, there are times that I let my guard down. Yesterday was one of those days. I arrived in Bucharest, Romania, four flights and 25 hours after leaving my house. With very little sleep on the planes – maybe 45 minutes total — I wasn’t as…
Welcome to “Traveling Like a Pro!”
Hello, and welcome to Traveling Like a Pro! by Stuart Gustafson, America’s International Travel Expert®. As you can tell, the site and the overall project are just getting underway. There are some exciting activities already taking place, and I can’t wait to share them with you. For now, if there is anything you would like…